SKI Strawberry Soda

SKI Strawberry Soda
SKI Strawberry Soda

Ever wonder what summertime tastes like? Introducing our summertime in a bottle: Strawberry Lemonade SKI! The perfect combination of citrus and sweet everyone is buzzing about.

Strawberry Lemonade SKI was released for a limited time during the Summer of 2020. Strawberry Lemonade SKI is the newest addition to the SKI citrus soda family. Strawberry Lemonade SKI is bright pink in color and is sure to stand out among the crowd. It will be sold exclusively in 20-ounce bottles. Gina Dhanani, Chief Operating Officer and CMO for Double Cola added, “We wanted to develop a flavor that embodied summer, and nothing says summer like ice cold lemonade on a hot day.”


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