Bev Rank

Bev Rank


BevRank is made to help you find your perfect beverage.

We're not trying to sell you anything because we're sure beverage manufacturers will be happy to sell their products to you.

Find your favorite beverages for any occasion. Retail agnostic beverage rankings makes it easy to find, sort, filter, and compare all kinds of drinks. Search by flavor, type of beverage, and even nutrition data. Make sharable lists of your favorite drinks with like & bookmark options to note interesting new drinks to try later. Log in with your official email to make an instant Team Likes list. *Generic email addresses (like do not get a team. Help BevRank rank all the worlds drinks by liking and reviewing your favorite beverages!

BevRank is here for the start ups and cottage food businesses. We want your new beverage to shine and have equal find-ability as products marketed by multi-national corporations... based on what consumers actually want. BevRank is the platform to showcase your amazing drinks and tell your brand story.

We also want to know what products we're missing! We want to know when you've launched a new collaboration like the absurd Peepsi, or when Crystal Pepsi is coming back again, or when you invent a new category like functional relaxation beverages.

Submit your brand or product digitally: HERE

If you're super confident in your product (which you should be) and want an official BevRank Review and to be featured on our home page or blog, or you just want some honest feedback before you launch. Send your samples to [BevRank 599 3rd St. #207 San Francisco, CA 94107]. Be aware that any blog posts, official reviews, and featured spots are subject to our discretion, and in no way guaranteed.