Muskoka Springs Pale Ginger Ale

Muskoka Springs Pale Ginger Ale
Muskoka Springs Pale Ginger Ale Snow
Muskoka Springs Pale Ginger Ale Dockside

When it comes to Gravenhurst, it’s hard to find somebody who hasn’t been associated with Muskoka Springs in some way. We’ve been creating the finest craft beverages money can buy since 1873. Every beverage we have today stems from the original, the godfather of craft beverages, the Pale Ginger Ale.

Muskoka Springs proudly continues to bring you the same taste as immortalized in Mr. Brown’s little black book all those years ago. Our newest creations are iterations of old recipes and we continue to source the best ingreidents while keeping the classic taste we have all come to enjoy.

Some say the legendary Pale Ginger Ale evokes the memory of simpler cottage times and appeals to the nostalgia of old-time cottagers. To others, it is simply delicious. Served ice cold, in a float, or as a mixture, if you’re a Ginger Ale lover, Muskoka Springs has the answer for you.

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